Race Committee Duty Sign Up

Race Committee Duty Sign Up 2024

Event Chair: Derek Hilson


The Organizing Authority recognizes that boats have a limited sailing season and want to maximize their time on the water.  To ensure our Club Racing program has an ample supply of volunteer Race Committee staff, the following policy is mandated:

  • OYS and OC competitors in Mid-week (Tuesday or Thursday) series shall sign up for Duty Sessions for races Organized by OYS.
  • A registered boat is responsible to provide a Race Committee Duty Session.
  • A Race Committee Duty Session consists of providing two able bodies to Race Committee for a race. This may be one person for two races or two people for one race.
  • There will be Duty Sessions every other Tuesday (BHYC provides opposite) and every Thursday race. A boat is scored RCD during a Race Committee Duty Session.  RCD shall be the average of a boat`s non-excluded scores for a series.  A boat providing Race Committee Duty for a race is responsible for notifying the Scorer by email of the RCD.
  • A web-based calendar will be provide on the OYS website showing available Race Committee Duty Sessions. Boats shall choose their preferred Duty Session dates from the calendar.  Boats that have not signed up for the Duty Sessions by May 7. 2024 may be assigned slots by the Race Committee.
  • A boat that misses their scheduled Race Committee Duty Session shall be scored as DNE in the best race score of the Series in which they complete the most races.
  • Race Committee Duty Sessions performed by OYS members qualify as required volunteer hours only for that member.
September 3, 2024
Tuesday Race Committee Duty
Start Time: 5:15 pm

One entry = one race committee volunteer. If multiple crew are signing up to volunteer on the same evening, please fill out 2 volunteer spots.

Available Spots
September 5, 2024
Thursday Race Committee Duty
Start Time: 5:15 pm

One entry = one race committee volunteer. If multiple crew are signing up to volunteer on the same evening, please fill out 2 volunteer spots.

Available Spots Item Details
September 10, 2024
Tuesday Race Committee Duty
Start Time: 5:15 pm

One entry = one race committee volunteer. If multiple crew are signing up to volunteer on the same evening, please fill out 2 volunteer spots.

Available Spots Item Details
September 12, 2024
Thursday Race Committee Duty
Start Time: 5:15 pm

One entry = one race committee volunteer. If multiple crew are signing up to volunteer on the same evening, please fill out 2 volunteer spots.

Available Spots Item Details